The Roads
““The new circus troupe Cirk La Putyka launched their largest performance in September, called Cesty (The Roads). Originally, it was to have been performed for the 10th anniversary of the troupe’s founding in April 2020 in the O2 universum hall, but it was postponed twice due to the coronavirus pandemic. 35 actors, acrobats, dancers and musicians take part in the Roads performance. I documented the rehearsals and the performance following its transfer to the Azyl78 circus tent in Prague’s Stromovka park,” says the author of how the series came about.
Rock-climber, cyclist and U2, Lukáš spent his childhood wandering the Šluknov Hook, and in no way dreamed of one day becoming a photographer. Which is probably why he became one. With a future as a geologist in front of him, he met a group of people at a U2 concert who worked in the media, and they soon became his colleagues. He has worked for the iDNES.cz and MF DNES newsroom and for the Reportér magazine. Since 2011, he has worked for the publishers Economia. He has taken photos for the Jeden Svět (One World) film festival, run by the Člověk v tísni charity, and Creative Mornings events for a number of years. In 2019, he documented the competitive career of rock-climber Adam Ondra. He has won a number of Czech Press Photo awards for his work.
Photo: Lukáš Bíba