The Kingdom of Women exhibition of David Mináč photographs showcases fine-art images of Czech and Slovak top models. David Mináč, son of the famous Slovak director, Matej Mináč, works in photography and film production. The Kingdom of Women exhibition, which showcases his photographs of famous Slovak and Czech top models, is being held in the Czech Photo Centre from 17 May until 11 June.
I am fascinated by the natural nature of women, and through photography I can get into their inner self, where I aim to capture a moment at which they are their most feminine, most provocative and most sensual. When their very essence is most exposed. And to do so, I have to go back in time, to at least the 1950s and 1960s when women used their costumes, make-up and accessories to charm those around with their femininity and fragile beauty,’ says David Mináč of the exhibition.
The exhibition will also include the unique Paradise art collection of paintings on photography produced in co-operation with English top model and actress, Louise Cliffe. The exhibition further includes a short film, Pozvánka (Invitation), in which Mináč returns to the era of the French Revolution over three time periods.
David Mináč studied Film and Psychology at the University of Southampton in Great Britain. He has shot a number of award-winning films (Grand Prix - Wessex Films). He was involved in the screenplays for two feature films. He focuses on photography, film score composition, film direction and acting. Entrance to the exhibition will be 50 CZK, or 25 CZK concessions. Czech Photo Centre is open every day except Monday, from Tuesday to Friday always from 11.00 am until 6.00 pm, and on weekends from 10.00 am until 6.00 pm. Czech Photo Centre - Nové Butovice /wheelchair access/ - exit the metro in the direction of Poliklinika Lípa, Na Zlatě 1.
Vstupné na výstavu bude 50 Kč a snížené vstupné pak 25 Kč. Czech Photo Centre je otevřeno každý den kromě pondělí od úterý do pátku vždy od 11.00 do 18.00 hodin, o víkendu pak od 10.00 do 18.00 hodin. Czech Photo Centre - Nové Butovice /bezbariérový přístup/ - výstup z metra směr Poliklinika Lípa, Na Zlatě 1.
Press release in .docx format.
Press release and photographs for download in .zip format.
Source of photographs: Czech Photo Centre
Contact details and further information: Public relations - Radek Polák tel.: +420 778 747 113, polak@czechpressphoto.cz, www.czechphotocentre.cz.