Czech Photo Junior takes place in parallel with the Czech Press Photo and Czech Nature Photo competitions. The competition will be held in three age categories.
We are very proud to be organizing the 3rd year of the Czech Photo Junior (Nature) competition.
Young photographers will be able to submit their photos from 12 January 2023.
Become part of the competition and submit your images to the Czech Nature Photo competition - to the Czech Photo Junior section.
Juniors do not pay any fees.
The competition is open to young photographers with permanent residence in the Czech and Slovak Republics or Czech or Slovak citizenship with works created between 10 January 2022 and 12 February 2023 and not entered in the previous year. In the Series category, it is possible to submit photographs taken between 13 January 2021 and 12 February 2023, provided that at least one photograph must have been taken between 10 January 2022 and 12 February 2023.
Submit photos with the name and age of the author and the title of the image via Cewe's judging system. The minimum image size is 1MB. Add captions to the photos - where you write what is in the image, where and when it was taken. And also write which category you think it should belong to. The technology by which the photos were taken (mobile phones, cameras) is not relevant. The maximum number of entries per junior author is 10, with a series counting as one entry. The maximum number of photographs in a series is 9.
You can choose from the following categories:
You can find their exact description on our website in the rules section.
To make it fair for everyone, the Czech Photo Junior competition is divided into categories according to age:
Persons under the age of 18 can only participate in the Czech Nature Photo Contest with the written consent of their legal guardian, which is available here in fromat docx. It is the Contestant's responsibility to provide Czech Photo o.p.s. with the consent of the legal guardian by sending it to junior@czechphoto.org. If the Contestant does not submit the written consent of the legal representative even within 5 days from the date on which it was requested, Czech Photo o.p.s. is entitled to exclude the Contestant from the Czech Nature Photo Contest without compensation.
The competition partners are: