Old Town Hall to host the best of Czech Press Photo 2017 until the end of January. The exhibition of winning and other selected photographs and videos from the 23rd annual Czech Press Photo contest begins in Prague Old Town Hall’s Cloisters and Knights’ Hall on Wednesday 22 November. The exhibition will showcase a total of almost 500 photographs and videos from over 100 authors.
Title: Exhibition Czech Press Photo 2017
Address of exhibition venue: Prague Old Town Hall’s Cloisters and Knights’ Hall; Old Town Square 1/3, 110 00 Old Town, Prague 1
Dates: 22 November - 30 January 2018 (every day)
Open hours: mo - su: 10 am - 7 pm
Holidays: 24 december 2017: closed / 25 december 2017: 11 - 17 / 26 december 2017: 11 - 19 / 31 december 2017: 10 - 16 / 1 january 2018: 11 – 19
The Czech Press Photo 2017 exhibition will showcase not just the winner of the main prize, “Photograph of the Year”, but also the works of those who won the different categories and other selected non-award winning photographs which map out the whole year.
Usually, the traditional categories such as Spot News, Daily Life and People in the News attract the most attention. Last year, however, these categories were added to by Contemporary Issues and Lifestyle. This year’s contest saw a strong field in the Nature and Wildlife, Science and the Environment category, showing a kinder side to the world. Videos will also be present, represented through the award-winning documentaries in the Sport News and Reportage, Feature and Investigation categories.
Once again, the topics seen in this year’s pictures include a range of both domestic and international events which have attracted the attention of billions of people throughout our planet during this time. These include the changes which Turkey has undergone in recent months, the course of the election for a new American president, and the problems affecting the Middle East. Of domestic issues, the exhibition looks at, e.g. the release of Jiří Kajínek, and portraits of the recently deceased actor Jan Tříska during filming of his last film, Po strništi bos (Barefoot).
However, Czech Press Photo will also showcase topics to visitors which do not usually fill the title pages of newspapers and magazines every day, through many other categories. An ordinary, yet at the same time a little stylised, perspective on the contemporary world is offered by photographs in the categories Daily Life, Art and Culture, Sports and the already mentioned Lifestyle. Thus visitors can look forward to photographs of native tribespeople from the Amazon jungle, and shots of dogs helping abandoned people. Everyone will be sure to find a topic of interest to them from amongst the categories. Many photos will also be presented on a number of screens, further expanding the spectrum of photos on display.
As such, exhibition visitors really will have a lot to choose from. A record number of photographers applied for this year’s Czech Press Photo contest. An international panel judged the work of 482 photographers permanently resident in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, representing a total of 7277 photographs. 26 authors took part in the video section, with a total of 56 videos.
The Czech Press Photo 2017 exhibition will be held until 30 January next year. It will be open every day from 10.00 am until 7.00 pm. Entrance is 150 crowns, or 70 crowns concessions. During the display period, additional events will be taking place, such as discussions with the winners of different categories.
Address of exhibition venue: Old Town Square 1/3, 110 00 Old Town, Prague 1
General partner: Trigema; Partners: Canon, EOX, Siko, Ptáček-koupelny, Renomia, ČTK, UNHCR, EIZO, Samsung, Pictoart, Olympus, Rückl Crystal, Výbor dobré vůle, Nadace Olgy Havlové.
Main media partner: Český rozhlas 1 - Radiožurnál, Mediální partneři: Právo, Novinky.cz, Forbes, Lidé a Země, Prima ZOOM, Prague Morning